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Murs et Vines – Walls and Vines

Come and sharpen your artistic skills and senses!
Permanent demonstrations in progress. The company Murs et Vignes, a family business chaired by Christophe Galmiche, who is a recognized (Murailler) dry stone specialist in Beaune. Specialising in the design
and restoration of dry stone structures, the company creates all different types of structures, including enclosed walls, retaining walls and also masters the design of dry stone walls that surround a plot of vines
known as “Murgers” and dry stone shelters for the workers known as “Cabottes” which can be seen in various different vineyards in the area.

For the construction of dry stone walls, the highly qualified team uses its in-depth masonry skills combined with rare traditional know-how passed down from times gone by.


Demonstrations will be taking place in the (Village des Festivinales) Place Carnot Beaune town center on November 17th, 18th and 19th 2023
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